Malta Adventure

• Rock climbing, abseiling and sea level traversing
• Mountain biking around the south coast of Malta
• Kayaking and snorkelling around Comino
• Quad biking around Gozo and optional scuba diving session

The Round Malta Cruise ›

With a stop in the Blue Lagoon for lunch, swimming and snorkelling or just lounging in the sun.

During this cruise we shall cruise past Valletta, Malta's Capital City, the Grand Harbour Entrance, Marsascala Bay, St. Thomas Bay, Island Bay and Peter's Pool, past Delimara Point and Marsaxlokk Bay, Malta's largest fishing village and past the Blue Grotto, giving you a view of these fascinating colourful caves. The Captain Morgan vessel also cruises past the imposing Dingli Cliffs and the little island of Filfla and past some of Malta's most popular sandy beaches.

5 Day - Malta & Sicily ›

Malta & Sicily

Mediterranean (Summer) ›

Malta to Malta

Malta Adventure ›

Rock climbing, abseiling and sea level traversing

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